Adobe Dreamweaver CC Video Tutorials & Training

Adobe Dreamweaver CC Video Tutorials & Training

The Dreamweaver tutorial walks you through the steps of building Web pages.You’ll learn how to use Macromedia Dreamweaver to define a local site, and you’ll use Dreamweaver panels and tools to create and edit Web documents. In this tutorial, you’ll create Web pages for Compass, a fictitious company that specializes in adventure travel. If you’re new to Dreamweaver, start at the beginning of the tutorial and work your way through the end. If you’re already familiar with Dreamweaver, you may want to start at “Use the Assets panel” on page 56; this section and those that follow it focus on new or changed features in Dreamweaver such as the Assets panel, Flash buttons and text, using a template, running a site report and adding a Design Note. The tutorial takes approximately one to two hours to complete, depending


Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2015 Download