Next, the Set Up a PIN screen appears, prompting you to set a PIN that you can use instead of a password for signing in. If you want to set up a PIN, click the Set a PIN button to display the Set Up a PIN dialog box, type the PIN in the New PIN box and the Confirm PIN box, and click the OK button.
After this, the Meet Cortana screen appears (see Figure 1.10), explaining the Cortana personal assistant and what information Microsoft collects in order to make Cortana work effectively. Click the Next button if you want to use Cortana; if not, click the small Not Now button in the lower-left corner of the screen.
FIGURE 1.10 On the Meet Cortana screen, read the information that Microsoft will collect about you. Click the Continue button if you want to use Cortana, or click the Not Now button if you want to disable Cortana for now.
From here, skip ahead to the section “Working in the Networks Pane.”
Working on the Create an Account for This PC Screen
If you don’t sign in to a Microsoft account on the Make It Yours screen, Windows displays the Create an Account for This PC Screen (see Figure 1.11), on which you create a local account for yourself. Follow these steps:
FIGURE 1.11 On the Create an Account for This PC screen, enter the user name you want and a strong password to protect your account. You can also enter a password hint.
1. Type the user name you want in the User Name box.
2. Type a strong password (see the tip) in the Enter Password box and the Re-enter Password box.
To create a strong password, include upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols (such as $, %, or &) in the password. Make the password at least 8 characters long. More than 12 characters gives you far greater protection because it is much harder to crack. Avoid any real word in any language.
The Create an Account for This PC screen encourages you to set a password for the account—but it doesn’t make you set a password. However, to protect your account and your personal information, it’s vital that you do set a password and that you make it a strong password.
3. Type a password hint in the Password Hint box. See the sidebar “What Sort of Password Hint Should You Create?” for advice.
Click Next when you are ready to proceed. The installer then installs your apps, displaying messages along the way. Your desktop then appears, and the Networks pane opens. Continue with the next section.